Text from site 166 in the message "Toward the Light" Chapter 3 When God's children through
countless aeons had lived a life of beauty, splendour and joy in their Father's
Kingdom, He saw that they had advanced so far in their understanding of the
dominance of Will over Thought, and in their understanding of the need to limit
the desires of the thought according to the ability of the will to make
fruitful and implement, that there was a possibility for them all to emerge
victoriously from a confrontation with Darkness. He then decided to set them a
difficult task - that of leading spiritually immature beings forward to full
equality with themselves. The beings that
God thought to create He would create from the weaker and more material
radiations of the Light combined with some of His own divine Self. Through higher or
lower frequencies of oscillation both Darkness and the Light can produce
greater or lesser ethereal effects, and similarly lesser or greater material
manifestations, both in the transcendental and in the purely earthly sense. In
Darkness as well as in the Light there exist, as stated earlier, extremely fine
particles; the higher the frequency of oscillation, the smaller are the
particles and the greater their capacity for cohesion and adhesion. Propagation and
death were not intended for these beings; once created through God's Thought
and Will they should continue to live in a development of constant progress.
This development should not only take place spiritually but also physically,
since their bodies through spiritual progress should at the same time gain in
radiance and beauty as the various stages on the road to God's Kingdom were
attained. All sin, all impure thoughts would clearly be entirely unknown to
these children of the Light; for sin, as well as propagation and death, exist
only in Darkness and in all that it produces. But when they had attained a
certain degree of maturity they should be confronted with Darkness in the same
way as God's first-created children, that they might learn to overcome its
power. God, His Helpers
and the first-created children would make themselves known to them through
revelations. All guidance should take place by the help of thought, that is to
say, through inspiration and intuition. In order to carry
out this intention, God first had to provide dwelling places for the beings He
had thought to create. Since these beings would be spiritually much weaker than
God's first-created children, they would not be able to sustain an existence in
the radiant Light of God's own Kingdom until through a long process of maturing
they became capable of maintaining their individuality, so that on their entry
into their Father's Home they would be in no danger of merging again with their
paternal origin. For this reason
God conceived and developed the plan for the four star universes or star
systems. The mother suns
were formed by God by the power of His Will, setting the ether - the Light and
the Darkness precipitated in it - in a rotating motion around four centres of
force, which were borne and held by and in His Thought. Since the Darkness
that is precipitated in the ether has a lower oscillation frequency than the
Light, the rotation around the centres of force caused it to collect as a core.
This core was surrounded by the Light, which spread outward in oscillations of
ever-increasing frequency, until there was created about each centre a well
defined globe, consisting of a darker core' surrounded by a corona of Light.
The outermost layer of this corona, formed by the more rapid and more
ethereal-astral oscillations of the Light, is not visible to earthly eyes,
whereas the radiations from the precipitated Darkness,' together with the
radiations from the more rapid molecular oscillations of Darkness, can be
detected and reflected by the human eye.' The radiations and
the concentration of the Light thus increase with rising frequency of
oscillation. But only in God's Kingdom does the Light unfold its greatest
energy of concentration and radiation, just as the particles here are very much
finer than in the other forms of the Light. Spiritual beings are able to see
the cores of Darkness of the globes, as well as the brighter, more radiant
corona of the Light. Only one of the mother globes will at some future time
become visible from the Earth. The mother globes
contain all the elementary substances and all possibilities for life' - seeds
from which God by the strength of His Thought and Will can call forth life. And
since the four star systems, directly or indirectly, stem from the mother
globes, this applies also to all suns (i.e., stars) and planets within these
four systems, with the exceptions due to the incursions of Darkness' on the
globes in that star system to which the Earth belongs. In order to
understand the motions of the mother globes one should visualize the universe
as a picture projected onto paper. God's Kingdom, an
enormous sun formed from the high ethereal material vibrations of the Light,
supports and maintains the four star systems as their Central Sun. The mother suns
are positioned in pairs directly across from each other on either side of the
Central Sun; when the Central Sun and the four mother suns are all in
opposition, an imaginary line passes through the centres of the four suns and
the Central Sun. The mother suns
are of exactly equal weight. Each sun revolves on its own axis. The distance
between the mother suns comprising each pair (measured from the centre of each
sun) is equal to the radius of the Central Sun (God's Kingdom). The composite
orbit of the pairs around the Central Sun describes a perfect circle, whose
radius equals seven times the radius of the Central Sun. The circumference of
this great circle passes through the midpoint of the distance between each pair
of mother suns. The mutual orbits described by the mother suns thus lie halfway
outside and halfway inside the circumference of the great circle. The mother suns
balance each other in pairs by equal attraction and equal repulsion. The
distance once established will therefore always remain constant. The
individual movement of each sun following its partner around the Central Sun
describes an open circular orbit (a spiral orbit) so that the midpoint of the
distance between each sun within a pair moves along the circumference of the
great circle. The pairs turn in
opposite directions. If a diagram
shows the pair of mother suns (a-b) to the left of the Central Sun and the
other pair (c-d) to the right, and with all the five suns in opposition so that
a and c lie nearest to, and b and d farthest from, the Central Sun, and
assuming that this position is the starting point for the orbits of the mother
suns, then a and c will turn away from and b and d toward the Central Sun. The
spiral-orbit of the one pair (a-b) thus turns from the left side of the Central
Sun to the right side, and the other pair (c-d) at the right turns to the left
side. After about three million years, the pair (a-b) will occupy the place of
the pair (c-d) on the right side of the Central Sun, and vice versa for (c-d).
The complete revolution of both pairs along their common orbit round the
Central Sun takes two aeons, which corresponds to about six million years. Once established,
the speed of rotation of both pairs will always remain constant, since they all
counterbalance one another at any given moment. The equilibrium between these
pairs, with God's Kingdom as the centre, will therefore never be disturbed. A star system (a
"Milky Way") shaped as an elliptical ring moves along with and
rotates around each mother sun. Each star system was directly or indirectly
spun off or ejected by eruption from its mother sun. (The globes and suns that
originated directly from the mother sun have then again, through spin-offs or
eruptions, subdivided into smaller globes - and so on). Centrifugal force has
caused the globes of the star systems to move in elliptical rather than
circular orbits around their mother sun at one focus and an immaterial centre
of force (invisible to the human eye) at the other focus. If the orbit of a
globe is to describe a perfect circle around its sun, the following three
factors must be of exactly equal strength: the speed of axial rotation of the
sun in question, its forward thrust through space and the combined forces of
spin-off and attraction that interact at the time of the formation of the
daughter globe. If the formation of a new globe comes about through an ejection
produced by inner explosive eruptions in the sun globe, the force of ejection
in most cases will exceed the force of a normal spin-off process (drop
spin-off). The globes that come into being through eruption-ejections therefore
move in a more or less elliptical orbit. If the orbit does become elliptical,
then an immaterial centre of force will automatically arise in juxtaposition to
the material sun. Depending on the shape of the orbit, this immaterial centre
of force will be nearer to or farther from the material sun. The irregular
orbit of a globe can also be caused by attraction from other suns. Similar conditions
prevail in the numerous solar systems within the four main systems. Because of
the centrifugal force, the suns and the planets' have similarly deviated from
the circular orbit to a greater or lesser elliptical orbit around their centre
sun at one focus and a centre of force,' equally invisible to the human eye, at
the other focus. If one visualizes
each of the four star systems in the shape of an ellipsoid, then one axis will
equal 1/7 of the radius of the open circle (the spiral-circle), which the mother
suns describe in their specific orbits; the second axis will equal 1/28 of the
arc length of that same spiral-circle, and the third axis equal 3/7 of the
longest axis. Since the size of
the second axis, i.e., 1/28 of the arc length of the spiral-circle, cannot be
given exactly in terms of human calculations, then neither can the third axis
(3/7 of the second, the longest axis) show exactly the indicated size of 3/7. The combined
volume of the four mother suns and their related star systems represent 1/7000
of the Central Sun, God's Kingdom. The number of
globes is limited at any given moment - the opposite would be in conflict with
the law of balance - but in the course 'of time their number will become
unlimited. New globes will come into being again and again, while older globes
disappear and decompose into their constituents, but so long as the four mother
sun systems by the power of God's Will orbit in space, the combined weight will
always balance with zero. The number of globes thus becomes finite in terms of
the concept of being, but infinite in terms of the concept of becoming. All suns, even the
most distant nebulae, that can be observed from the Earth belong to the same
system, whose mother sun - one of the four - will some day be seen from the
Earth, though probably not until the instruments of observation have undergone
certain alterations and improvements. At that time the mother sun will be
visible low in the southwestern sky. The system of suns
and planets to which the Earth belongs is located in the inner part of the
elliptical ring of the "Milky Way", and it moves toward the
immaterial centre of force.'